An UNOFFICIAL URealms Discord Bot
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0 Commands
0 Users
0 Users
NOTICE: Starting in April 2022, Discord is removing access to message content for verified bots. I don't have time to update to using slash commands, so once that happens, you will need to @URBot instead of use a prefix. Sorry.
Read more here: https://support-dev.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404772028055
URBot is a verified unofficial URealms Discord bot written in C#, using the DSharpPlus library.
Search through cards or characters, add your own cards, and explore the lore all in your server
The default prefix is u.
(or @URBot
), however it is customizable per-server.
u.card <search>
The card command allows you to search through all URealms cards directly in the channel!
This command supports CUSTOM CARDS. For more info, please see the u.customcard command.
, u.cards
: A phrase that will be used to find a specific card.
Example usages:u.card divine intervention
u.card dwarf
NOTICE! Search terms don't have to be the full/exact name of the card, however entering most of the name will give you a better chance of finding the card you want.
u.randomcard [card count] <card type> [subtype]
The random card command allows you to randomly choose a card by supplying a card type, and an optional card subtype.
This command supports CUSTOM CARDS. For more info, please see the u.customcard command.
, u.rcard
Parameters:[card count]
: Specify an amount of cards to pull. If more than 1, a list will be displayed instead.<card type>
: The type of card you want to get.[subtype]
: An optional subtype to limit your card choices.
Types and Subtypes:
- Race
- Class
- Cornerstone
- Attribute
- Treasure
- Spell (arcane, dark, earth, fire, ice, light)
- Companion (beast, mercenary, large, magic, mech, talks)
Example usages:u.randomcard class
u.randomcard companion magic
u.customcard <add/remove/display/list> [...]
The custom card command allows moderators to manage the custom cards in their server!
, u.cc
Parameters and usage:
u.customcard display <forum code>
: Display a custom card directly in chat.
u.customcard list
: Show a list of all custom cards on this server.
* u.customcard add <forum code>
: Add a card using the forum link.
* u.customcard remove "title / subtitle"
: Remove a custom card using the card title and subtitle.
(* = Moderator only)
Example usages:u.cc display [Card:type=item&...]
u.cc remove Title / Subtitle
u.cardblacklist <add/remove/list> [...]
The card blacklist command allows moderators to manage blacklisted cards in their server!
Blacklisting official cards allows you to replace them with your own custom ones.
, u.bl
Parameters and usage:
u.cardblacklist list
: Show a list of all blacklisted cards on this server.
* u.cardblacklist add <card string>
: Add a card to the blacklist using the card title and subtitle..
* u.cardblacklist remove <card string>
: Remove a card from the blacklist using the card title and subtitle.
(* = Moderator only)
Example usages:u.cbl add Legendary / Greater Pyroblast
u.cbl remove Attribute / Greedy
u.roll <die string>
The roll command lets you roll dice in chat!
You can roll up to 25 die at a time, with a max value of 1000 each.
Parameters:<die string>
: A string to determine what to roll.
Example usages:u.roll d20
: Rolls a D20.u.roll 10d6
: Rolls 10 D6s.u.roll 4d15
: Rolls 4 D15s.
u.profile <member> [...]
The profile command allows Game Masters to track their player's info, including XP, Levels, and Meta cards.
Parameters and usage:
u.profile [member]
: View a user's profile (leave blank for your profile)
* u.profile <member> addcard/remcard <card string>
: Add or remove cards in a user's profile.
* u.profile <member> addlvl/remlvl <value>
: Add or remove levels in a user's profile.
* u.profile <member> addxp/remxp <value>
: Add or remove experience in a user's profile.
(* = Moderator only)
Example usages:u.profile <member> addcard Legendary/Greater Pyroblast
u.profile <member> remlvl 2
u.profile <member> addxp 5000
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
u.help | u.h, u.commands | Shows a list of commands. | All Users |
u.info | u.i | Shows information about URBot | All Users |
u.credits | u.credit, u.cr | Lists credits to URealms for art and data. | All Users |
u.leaderboard | u.lb | View the top ranking profiles on a server. | All Users |
u.settings | u.s | Change URBot settings on this server Valid settings: prefix , modrole , reroll
| Mod |
u.announce | u.an, u.announcement | Change announcement URBot settings on this server Valid settings: rollchannel , rollrole , postchannel , postrole
| Mod |
u.clean | u.cl | Remove recent URBot commands and messages from the current channel. | Mod |